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Good morning, everyone. Feeling refreshed and less cynical as the week begins after an escape from Vegas to SoCal to see a Dodger game and – wait for it – go sailing off Long Beach. Got on the field at the beautiful Chavez Ravine on fireworks night and managed no serious injuries during the sailing adventure. I felt no sadness at the Dodger loss – love the stadium, hate the home team. But if I could be on a sailboat and feel that peaceful every few months, I might be an even nicer person, as...
Good morning, everyone. So this is what happens when you cry Koch? Or would it have happened anyhow? Do they brothers have something to prove now? Can they take away Prince Harry’s scepter? Are they evil and Sheldon Adelson is good? So confusing. There will be no premium content this weekend, dear Flashees. Taking the weekend off for a badly needed battery recharge before the incredibly exciting primary homestretch. Don’t miss me too much. What’s below: Bundyville as money tool, Bundyville...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Obamacare developments. DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS FOR PRIMARY ELECTION: 16 DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 33 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 180       Good morning, everyone. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd is the best one of the week. More on that and his incredible quote about Sheldon Adelson below. (Check my Twitter feed for more from Part 1.) But the best...
Good morning, everyone. You saw the first evidence last night after Thom Tillis’ victory in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate primary that we in Nevada can live vicariously through other races because Harry Reid essentially is on the ballot this year. Tillis, in his victory speech, looked to November when he said the Republicans can “make Harry Reid irrelevant.” Can Prince Harry really be nationalized as a demonic symbol? I mean, Obama-Reid-Pelosi, I remember. But Prince Harry himself? Two points:...
Good morning, everyone. Five weeks. 35 days. 840 hours. And then, no more talk of which LG candidate hated Obamacare before he loved it, who hasn’t paid her debts, who voted for more taxes, who loved Harry Reid, who is more qualified to hold an insignificant job. So jealous of North Carolina voters who have their primary today. Some TV notes: Businessman/restaurant critic Sam Shad interviews the LG candidates next week. We have both Bunce brothers, Vick Gill and Lynn Stewart later this week....
Good morning, everyone. In case your Nevada pride isn’t soaring these days, consider we made it into the president’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech: “I haven’t seen anybody pull a 180 that fast since Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner---As a general rule, things don’t end well if your sentence starts, ‘Let me tell you something I know about the Negro.’ You don’t really need to hear the rest of it.” I just feel like belting out “Home Means Nevada,” don’t you?...
Good morning, everyone. We had one of the Oath Keepers in this amazing video that talks about possible drone strikes (yes, it’s true) on Bundyville and the war of militias on “Ralston Reports” last night (link below). The Oath Keepers don’t really consider themselves militias, and the discussion last night was more about a local businessman who saw those “First Amendment Zones” and went to check it out. The potential for violence up there, and how close it came to happening, became very clear...
Good morning, everyone. With early voting starting just three weeks from Saturday, the real nonsense will be starting soon. Yes, all we have had so far is warmup nonsense. We will be trying to cut through it by having some debate son “Ralston Reports,” although some, including state Sen. Mark Hutchison, don’t want another go-round. Others who do not want to debate include state Senate Minority leader Michael Roberson and his handpicked choice in the most important legislative race of the year,...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: We'll see. DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS FOR PRIMARY ELECTION: 24 DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 41 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 188       Good morning, everyone. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues his Koch Brothers assault on the Senate floor thismorning, it’s worth pointing out that the new NBC/WSJ pollindicates half the country has no idea who they are and another fifth are neutral (...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: We'll see. DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS FOR PRIMARY ELECTION: 25 DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 42 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 189       Good morning, everyone. Talk about changes in Las Vegas journalism. Just last session, the Sun’s political team was Anjeanette Damon, Andrew Doughman and the ageless Cy Ryan, with Karoun Demirjian in DC. Now, with the...
