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WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Put aside whatever your partisan leanings may be and let's give the Legislature a model election reform bill: What should it say that makes the most sense for voters and fairness? Having done that, what do you expect to pass? 4. The WB/Sony/Howard Hughes team is bringing more juice to an issue than I have...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. What are the odds that the state budget could be dramatically altered by what is happening in DC? What contingency plans make sense if it is? 4. We are three weeks in, about 100 days to go. Any thoughts on the mood, potential for bipartisanship, etc? So much good stuff this week, folks. Check it out.   ►...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Any harbingers after the first week of session? Any observations? 4. How will what the Trump administration is doing on various fronts affect the session, substantively and politically? Robust response from the insiders despite Super Bowl weekend. Interesting – and sometimes contradictory – thoughts on...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The session begins Monday. Tell me one thing you are certain will happen, one thing you expect to happen and one thing you would be surprised about if it happened? 4. Best odds of passage this session -- rank from most to least: Daily room cleaning Lottery Uber bill going after trial attorneys Election...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. What issues are percolating that could affect the session that aren't being talked about yet? 4. How bad is the budget screw-up? Fleeting or lasting? Anything else out there? One of the best insider reports I have published – lots of great insight here, especially on percolating issues and the budget...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. State of the State reaction? Impressed or not? Best and worst ideas? Where are possible compromises? Where are the land mines? Other thoughts on the speech? 4. Which legislators in both parties that people wouldn't immediately name are going to be keys to the outcome of the session? Up and comers? Frosh...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This is your first installment in just under a month, with a new legislative insiders contingent. This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. What do you expect the governor to say next week in the State of the State and what do you think he SHOULD say? Will there be anything bold or will it be play-it-safe for '26? 4. What is a sleeper issue we...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Please put aside your partisanship and answer this question: What are the best reforms the Legislature could enact and the governor could sign that would fix election results dragging on too long? Mail ballot deadlines? Curing deadlines? Ballot harvesting guardrails? More staff for counties and SOS?...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Reaction to results? Surprises? Trends? Portents? Be as expansive or deep on the ballot as you want. 4. Campaign 2026 begins now: Make a prediction or two about who runs, what to look for. This issue is dedicated to Charlie Abowd, who made all of our lives richer. RIP, my friend. Excellent, varied...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week’s questions: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week in Nevada politics? 2. Most interesting thing you have read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. The time is here: Make your predictions, as many or as few as you like. And pick one surprise nobody sees coming. 4. Anything else? Vent away! The insiders seem to lean slightly toward Donald Trump winning Nevada (although one Republican picked Kamala Harris), toward the Ds being denied a supermajority...
