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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
SECOND UPDATE: Team Nevada Engaged did register late Monday with SOS for political activity. Registration is attached. UPDATE: SOS told me it was same group, but Chris Dyer, who is on Team Nevada, says it is a different group. If so, not registered with SOS for political action. Team Nevada Engaged is listed on the business side, with Robert Tyree, another Pauilite, listed. An independent expenditure group run by Ron Paul acolytes will begin airing an attack ad Tuesday against state Senate...
UPDATE, Monday, 6/2/14: As if any more evidence were needed, the "properties" on the pdf of the bill indicate the author was "dsatz." That would be lead Caesars lobbyist David Satz.     UPDATE, THURSDAY, 3 pm: Despite rumor-floating by some poker newsletters, this is not a Sands bill. It's a silly suggestion as Sheldon Adelson, unlike Harry Reid and Dean Heller, is an aboilitionist. "It is not our bill, nor do we support it," said Sandsman Andy Abboud. Meanwhile, I have all but confirmed that...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. Detailed rankings of legislative contributions 2.  Some early vote numbers you haven’t seen 3. Possible Harry Reid challengers (a new regular feature) and odds he runs 4. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments   THE TROUBLE WITH TAKING ON HARRY Who is most likely to run against the Senate majority leader in 2016? It’s time to set the odds. Why? Because I say so. I asked my insiders who of the following is most likely to run against...
Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses. Donors, mostly from casinos and business interests, have spent about $6.6 million this election cycle on races for the Legislature, with two state senators, GOP Minority Leader Michael Roberson, and Democrat Justin Jones, running in arguably the most important race in the state, leading the way with more than $450,000 raised each. That’s according to a Ralston Reports analysis of 70 different campaign accounts since Jan. 1, 2013, including incumbents...
How badly to do some Republicans want Assemblyman Jim Wheeler out? Judging from the mailers hitting in his district, and funded by a PAC set up to defeat him, the answer is: Pretty badly. Calling an elected official a "local nut" and a "national embarrassment" ain't exactly subtle. The mailers come courtesy of the Nevada Republican Majority PAC, set up by Genoa resident James Hartman. Hartman was a longtime GOP official in Northern California who has always loved Nevada and recently moved here...
You write stuff, you get criticized. Do it long enough and you are called many names by trolls and blowhards, partisans and pedants. Fair enough. But rarely have I seen anything as mendacious as what was posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review Online’s “The Corner” Wednesday evening. First let me say that I am a great admirer of NRO writers and contributors, including Jonah Goldberg and Jim Geraghty. But this post by Lopez is simply a tendentious piece of garbage, which intentionally...
