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Good morning, everyone. It’s pretty hard not to be impressed with how successful the Culinary union was in settling with all of those downtown casinos, the culmination of a public relations campaign of relentless pressure and saber-rattling. Talk about a well-executed campaign that used brinkmanship to achieve a goal. Definitely the best campaign of the season so far – a low bar to get over this year, but still quite something. And now the real political question: Will the union turn its...
Good morning, everyone. I’m not sure if this is more comical or sad. Great story by the RJ’s Ben Botkin. The headline is priceless: “Illicit recording reveals budding bromance between damaged Las Vegas pols” My favorite line: “It’s unclear if he ever apologized to any Utahns.” We have known for many years that John Bonaventura is a clown in politician’s clothing. So be it. But the slow disintegration of Tom Collins, whom many supporters have tried to help, is tragic. He clearly should not be in...
Good morning, everyone. Most of the time when people attack what I have written or said, I realize it is part of the job. If you have produced as many words as I have, and possess strong opinions and ask tough questions, people will come after you. I get that. One fringe player even set up a web site to attack me; one of his friends once sent out a mail piece to try to hurt me. Fine. Generally, I ignore such stuff. But what happened Wednesday evening I cannot ignore. National Review...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. The insiders with their take ont he primary and their predictions 2. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments Lots of great stuff from my insiders this week on the primary and the general, which, once again, put you ahead of the curve, dear premium subscribers. And they love me back, too, as one said: We all need a summer break. Are you going on vacation soon? (Answer: Yes!)   Best line of the week: Governor is a strong favorite...
The conventional wisdom has begun to settle, as if the landscape is being re-examined after a major seismic event. Yes, it was The Predictable Primary, with almost no upsets. Yes, it was The Snooze Primary, with near-record low turnout. Yes, it was The Sandoval Primary, with gubernatorial dominance. But beyond the tiresome victory news releases – ON TO NOVEMBER! – and the “lessons learned” instapunditry about an electorate that was one third the size of what we will see in November, some...
Jake Holder, who ran for Congress and got crushed last cycle, and won a contested three-way Democratic primary for Assemblyman Joe Hogan's seat this week, sent an email to a gaggle of Carson City advocates Wednesday that was quite simple: "Hello important lobbyists, "If any of you would like to meet or talk on phone please let me know.  And, if you would like to contribute to my campaign, it would be appreciated:" Indeed. Now where do you suspect Holder obtained the list of who these "...
Yes, the Democratic nominee for governor is "None of These Candidates." The goofy Nevada ballot choice won with 30 percent of the vote to Bob Goodman's 25 percent. They each spent the same amount of money: None. Because the choice has no teeth, Goodman goes on to the general. So is this unprecedented? Not quite.  It has happened four times in primaries. NOTC passed in 1975, and then won GOP primaries for Congress in 1976 and 1978, a secretary of state's primary in 1978 and then a Democratic...
