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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
UPDATED WITH VIDEO VERSION BELOW   Maybe it’s frontrunner, gubernatorial anointee arrogance. Maybe it’s polling that shows him well ahead. Maybe he doesn’t know what his own law firm does. But state Sen. Mark Hutchison’s sprint away from the “personal injury lawyer” label was at first comical, but now borders on the pathological. Ordinarily, I would chuckle at this kind of gaffe. But because Hutchison has insisted on dissembling about this area of his practice, which his partner boasts about on...
Two different events -- one at the new ferris wheel, one with pot folks at Dr. Pot's house.        
Can she get it enough gross rating points? Good issues for GOP primary electorate? Check. Terrible B & W pic of opponent? Check. Massage your own record ("Never met a tax she liked"). Check. It does sound as if she puts an extra "N" in Hutchison's name, and the production values are not, ahem, high. But I quibble.  
It's not often that candidates release poll results showing them losing by a significant margin. But that's what Democratic congressional candidate Erin Bilbray did today, disseminating a polling memo indicating she is behind by 8 percentage points to GOP Rep. Joe Heck. She is alive! Don't bury her yet! Give her money! That is the not-so-subtle message of the release of the polling memo (first reported by the RJ's Steve Sebelius) below from the redoubtable Mark Mellman, the Democratic pollster...
This went out today -- I annotated in italics:       Please help us Share This Message -  Bundy Family Statement It has been several weeks since the BLM's special forces (special forces!) came into the valley with guns raised, barricading our lands, stealing and destroying our property, and terrorizing the community (oh, the BLM did the terrorizing!). Their original plan was to occupy the land for seven weeks. (Oh, do go on.) They would still...
A group calling itself the Nevada Values PAC plans to file Tuesday to support ex-state Sen. Mike Schneider against Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager in the June primary. The PAC will be primarily funded by labor groups, including SEIU and the AFL-CIO, said Annette Magnus of ProgressNow Nevada who is overseeing the effort. Magnus said as a state senator, Schneider was very supportive of progressive issues such as women's health and development at Red Rock. And, she added, Brager has...
