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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
UPDATED: One day after I revealed the existence of this affidavit, Lowden filed a document in the court case trying to get it thrown out because it was initially unsigned.  In the filing, which I have attached here, Lowden essentially argues that the pollster suing her is engaging in "litigation abuse" by trying to revise and refile a document after a deadline has passed. Maybe so. But consider: 1. She realizes just how damaging her ex-campaign manager's affidavit is. 2. Remember this is over a...
Northern and southern building trades groups are passing around a resolution at the AFL-CIO convention opposing The Education Initiative. The resolution, attached here, says "until the effects of the Education Initiative are clearly defined we oppose the passage and implementation of the measure." The text of the resolution emphasizes that the Legislature should make tax policy and that TEI "does not clearly address" the impact on businesses. The resolution essentially is an attack on the...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has informed the Federal Election Commission that buying gifts for supporters from his granddaughter fits within the agency's rules.. I missed the document when it was filed a month ago, but there's no mention in it of Reid reimbursing his campaign for the expenditures, which I disclosed on March 25. That same day, according to FEC records, attorney Marc Elias wrote to the FEC, saying the gifts comport with agency rules. The section cited is this one: Gifts of...
Rep. Steven Horsford has asked Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie to look into persistent reports of militia members supporting Cliven Bundy making Bunkerville residents "feel unsafe." Horsford penned a letter this weekend to the sheriff, outlining various concerns by residents he first disclosed last week. The letter is attached.    
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS:We'll see. DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS FOR PRIMARY ELECTION: 26 DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 43 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 190       Good morning, everyone. Here’s my movie tip for the week: If you did not see “The Way, Way Back,” check it out. Haven’t seen a sweet movie that good in some time. It’s funny and poignant, with some wonderful characterizations and Steve Carell in a rare...
