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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
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Education activist Susie Lee essentially has pulled even with frontrunner Lucy Flores, the former assemblywoman, according to a poll taken for her campaign last month. Flores is at 26 percent, Lee at 23 and state Sen. Ruben Kihuen well back at 11 percent. The survey, taken by the well known national Democratic firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner from April 25-27 of 407 voters, has a margin of error of nearly 5 percent. Lee's campaign believes the survey reflects a message field they have had...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1. The growing registration problem for Republicans in Nevada 2. Ladies and gentlemen, soon-to-be former Assemblyman Brent Jones Just a couple of things this week -- I gave my insiders the week off.  HELLO, MAJORITY LEADER FORD AND SPEAKER JASON BUSTAMANTE-ADAMS? I have been detailing the Democratic registration gains for you, but one of my favorite data mavens has added some analysis and numbers. For the record, the Democrats started the month with just...
As the New York Times reported, Sheldon Adelson has endorsed Donald Trump for president. Why? Because they are both Republicans and Trump won "fair and square," as Adelson put it. But wait: Isn't Israel always paramount in Adelson's mind? Isn't his Jewish faith and his desire to protect Israel what animates much of his activism? I thought so. But I may have been wrong. After all, Trump has said a lot of stuff and been supported by a lot of people that might have given Adelson pause. To wit: ►...
Clark County Commission candidates Marilyn Kirkpatrick and Steve Ross are both on TV, but his is a small cable buy and hers is a large network and cable buy. Ross's ad, a $15,000 cable buy, goes after Kirkpatrick for her legislative record, some of it fair and expected, some of it absolutely misleading (she cut education!). No cites in the ad, but the only time Kirkpatrick "cut" education was during the recession when the governor presented cuts. She has been a huge advocate for more funding...
The Senate Majority PAC, which helps Democratic candidates, is up with a brutal hit on Rep. Joe Heck, locked in a key race with Catherine Cortez Masto. It's $450,000 in Vegas and Reno.
A PAC run by Gov. Brian Sandoval's consultants and funded by his allies has unleashed a new mail barrage against tax foe Victoria Seaman, the assemblywoman running for the state Senate against colleague Erv Nelson in a primary The Nevada Jobs Coalition already has tried to define Seaman as a hypocrite on taxes. They continue that theme in one piece, again using her estwhile anti-tax ally Chuck Muth against her, and another mailer highlights her votes against money for a veterans home and a...
I have said and written many times that registration is not destiny. But those numbers mean something -- and 2016 is starting to look like 2012 and 2008 in Nevada, presidential years in which the Democrats did very well. The latest numbers show the Democrats padded their statewide lead by about 5,000 voters in April, out-registering Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin. This came despite the herculean efforts of the conservative registration outfit, Engage NV, which is trying to make up for the...
