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If the presidential and/or U.S. Senate race are close this year, welcome to my nightmare. Republicans, as they did in 2010, already are laying the predicate for challenging voters, raising the specter of all of those new Democratic registrations not being kosher. And Democrats, fearing attempts to suppress their vote, are moving to counter these efforts. And then you have the "newspaper," through its chief editorial writer and Sunday columnist Glenn Cook raising the specter of voter fraud....
More than 400 people responded to the site question: "Who will win the competitive congressional contests?" Results: Joe Heck--34 percent John Oceguera--26 percent Steven Horsford -- 21 percent Danny Tarkanian -- 18 percent New, mischievous question is up!
So along with Sen. Dean Heller, Danny Tarkanian becomes the second Republican to say he has two opponents. To wit:   Dear Harry Reid has reached a new low. Recent polls show my opponent, Steven Horsford down 13 points. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is attempting to leverage Nevada voters to elect an individual he has as dubbed his heir in Washington. Reid is relying on desperate attacks to distract voters, because Horsford and Reid know that that they cannot run on their failed agenda...
Registrations still are pouring into Clark County -- the Democratic lead is more than 127,000 and more than you see below -- so these numbers are not quite final. But almost, via SOS:       Active Voters BY COUNTY AND PARTY County Name Democrat Green Party Independent American Party Libertarian Party Non-Partisan Other (All Others) Republican Total Carson City 8,450 52 1,320 171 3,892 152 11,582 25,619 Churchill 2,772 8 633 63 1,629 32 6...
Veterans in Politics International's Steve Sanson sent out an email Monday shilling for Amercians for Prosperity, the Koch Brothers-funded conservative organization that has been very active this cycle in Nevada. The ever-literate Sanson issued an "EMPLOYMENT OPERTUNITY" (you can't make this up) for AFP, saying "volunteers" are wanted but adding they will be paid $15 an hour and as "an added incentive workers will be given a $50 AMEX gift card if they work 8 hours." I kid you not. Oh, there's...
Those were among the gems today as the Democrats brought out the heavy artillery to try to boost state Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford's chances in the new congressional district. The Democrats got what they wanted -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid unplugged and plenty of media coverage, including this post from Sun Political Editor Anjeanette Damon about Reid vs. Danny Tarkanian. The full 15-minute audio is linked here (sorry about the tap, tap, tapping on my keyboard....)  
And it's so, so beautiful to watch. But I wonder: Who wins a game of one-on-one between these two hoopsters? Maybe we can trust Heller, but he throws elbows. Not sure Gov. Sunny does, from what I recall.
 That's the gist of an FDIC motion filed today, answering Danny Tarkanian's attempt to put off paying a $17 million judgment or at least post a bond. The language is savage. It says Tarkanian's arguments are not on point, miss the point and are irrelevant. It's a thorough evisceration -- and it is linked here.  
On the day before the registration deadline, Nevada Democrats are poised to go past the 90,000 mark in their ever-extending lead over Republicans. Although Republican continue to brag about all of these voter "contacts," the Democrats keep producing new registrations. Here are the latest numbers from the SOS, which don't even include the latest surge in Clark County numbers. The edge is actually about 1,000 voters greater than shown here, meaning the overall, statewide lead is 90,000-plus...
