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      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: We will look at judges' races. DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 18 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 1 DAYS UNTIL HARRY REID'S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS: 19       Good morning, everyone. In case you don’t know, the jobless rate in Nevada went down again. It’s 7.3 percent, which seems a long way from July 2008, when it was last that low. Based on those numbers, I am placing the over/under at Gov. Brian Sandoval’s re-election number at 70 percent. Anyone...
Good morning, everyone. Only 13 percent of people in America have a positive view of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. How sad. Such are the findings of the newest NBC-WSJ poll. Thirty-nine percent have a negative view and, shockingly, 30 percent professed not to know who he is. And you know what? I bet he doesn’t care a whit. Also in that poll, and gloated about on their home turf: The anti-Koch Brothers campaign is a failure. Unless, of course, tits ability to gin up turnout in various...
Good morning, everyone. I know most people reading this are against the margin tax, and I know I’m a broken record on this. But, dear Flashees, what the RJ PAC is doing this cycle arguably is worse than when the publisher-editor-reporter team worked together to try to defeat Harry Reid in 2010. To use its own resources, its own house ads not just to advocate for the initiative’s defeat, but to mislead its readers, intentionally, I believe, is outrageous. The house ad today is at the bottom of...
Good morning, everyone. I live-tweeted the Hillary Clinton speech last night, so you can see my thoughts on my feed, but let me distill: The $225,000 speech was thoroughly uninspiring – she actually only spoke for 23 minutes, so $10,000 a minute -- with boilerplate rhetoric on higher education and nothing groundbreaking or even that interesting. The half-hour Q and A session with her pal Brian Greenspun allowed her to tell a few Putin and Mandela stories, but nothing you haven’t heard before. I...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: The impact of the margin tax on restaurants. DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 22 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 5 DAYS UNTIL HARRY REID'S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS: 23       Good morning, everyone. Happy Columbus Day! (Did you even know?) Bloomberg’s Dave Weigel posted a link to the best Columbus Day video. Amazing how few characters at that table were alive by the show’s climax. Premium subscribers this weekend were treated to my take on the...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Reality Check Friday: A full show checking ads. DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 25 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 8 DAYS UNTIL HARRY REID'S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS: 26       Good morning, everyone. Today will be a day long remembered in the history of this state, the day same-sex marriage became a reality. Forty licenses were issued in Clark County. State Sen. Kelvin Atkinson and his longtime partner, Woody Howard, claim to be the first couple...
Good morning, everyone. I admit, after 30 years in this state, I am not only a Nevadan through and through but I love this state. I hate it when people mispronounce our name. I chafe at the stereotypes. And, yes, I am looking forward to celebrating our 150th birthday, which happens to coincide nicely with Gov. Brian Sandoval’s coronation, the Tesla Era and the beginning of the state’s Sunny Epoch. Apropos of the 150th, my pal Cat Allison, a great photojournalist, has put together a video to...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Justice Nancy Saitta's crusade to fix the child welfare system. DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 27 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 10 DAYS UNTIL HARRY REID'S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN BEGINS: 28       Good morning, everyone. You would have to be pretty heartless – or Richard Ziser – not to get a little (or a lot) choked up seeingKelvin Atkinson propose on live television. Atkinson actually had announced the engagement on twitter much earlier in the day,...
Good morning, everyone. I know many people think it’s a purely media issue – the refusal of candidates to debate. Many campaign consultants agree, believing the issue does not move voters. That’s why Democrats did not fear hiding Shirley Breeden and Alison Copening six years ago and why the Republicans are fine holding Becky Harris and Patricia Farley in an undisclosed location this cycle. (Retort from GOP folks: “But they are meeting voters every day, going door to door.” Right.) I don’t...
Good morning, everyone. This is the way journalism ends, not with a bang but with a house ad. Of all the insults to the noble profession the Review-Journal has visited upon the land, this weekend’s outrageous use of its own house ads to run an anti-margin tax spot was the nadir. It’s now too kind to call it a “newspaper.” From now on, it’s the RJ PAC. Let’s hope its reporters disclose the contributions in news stories. Premium subscribers this weekend were treated to analysis of the voter...
