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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
Steven Brooks’ political career is over. Of that there is no doubt. Even in the land of second chances, the man pictured shirtless on the front page is done. But what also should be over are the jokes, the ridicule, the lampooning. Brooks needs help – he is now at a treatment facility – and his friends acting like Pontius Pilate and his colleagues whispering they knew it all along should start behaving more like human beings than posterior-protecting, pusillanimous weasels. This is a human...
As if he doesn't have enough, more serious problems to worry about and yet perhaps more evidence of his state of mind, Assemblyman Steven Brooks failed to file required documents with the secretary of state this month. The final contribution and expenses report for 2012 and his annual financial disclosure form have not been filed, and the SOS sent him a couple of letters a few days ago. The letters are attached here.  
Statement attached. It's amazing. He also included an email from state Sen. Kelvin Atkinson to other lawmakers to make the latter look bad because it indicates to other legislators that talk of threats to the speaker were exaggerated -- or so Barlow would have the media interpret it. The email is attached, too.      
Troubled Assemblyman Steven Brooks was taken by Metro Police to a local hospital late Friday for a pyschological evalutation, law enforcement sources confirmed. The evaluation, known as a Legal 2000, is done to determine whether the person is a threat to himself or others. This began this afternoon when Brooks, who had so-called dignitary protection from Legislative Police, was at a relative's house (believed to be a grandmother), when he began exhibiting what a law enforcement source called "...
He said he was joking, but that was one of the lines Assemblyman Steven Brooks gave me during a brief phone call this morning. Brooks texted me and said, "Call me. Now." That was after a series of texts that began at 1:41 AM. He simply texted my name and when I respodned this morning, he rejoined: "Luv ya." Yes, that happened. Then, this morning, he texted me that "MK" (Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick) was the cause of all of this and then asked me to call him. He said she is out to get him because...
So James Hohmann reported today in a wonderful piece that contained this priceless quote from Nevada GOP Committeeman James Smack: “There were certainly some promises exchanged,” Nevada committeeman James Smack said of the meeting. “We’re not talking about money. We’re talking about promises, though, that he’s going to work on getting some doors open for us that have been closed by whatever means – whether that be through some of the casino owners or what have you.” Casino owners! Did Sheldon...
Assemblyman Steven Brooks was "acting like a belligerent drunk" and berated police officers when he was booked into jail late Saturday afternoon, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the events tells me. "He was acting bizarre," the inside source told me. Brooks threw around his elected title and used obscene language when he was brought to the jail, the source tells me. That description apparently is contained in a document that is part of the file on Brooks' arrest, not the Declaration...
