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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
This missive went out today to the thousands of Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce members about the margins tax that the Legislature must consider:   Dear Las Vegas Metro Chamber members, Today, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that an initiative petition to enact a “margin” tax on business is eligible to move forward. The state legislature now has 40 days from the start of the session next week to pass the proposal. If they do not, it will be on the ballot in 2014 for voters to decide. The...
The Branch of Inaction now has no choice but to take action. After decades of quarter-measures and half-promises, the Legislature must finally take a stand on a business tax. And in forcing the Gang of 63 to stand up or roll over, the the state Supreme Court has ushered in what is sure to be a battle royale not seen in 10 years, not since the dreaded gross receipts tax was immolated in a bonfire of ineptitude, fear-mongering and cowardice. This is like a sequel that has all the potential to be...
Decision posted here -- reverses District Court.
Yes, that's what Constable John Bonaventura, whose office some county commissioners want to abolish, says about two memos, attached here, about how to conduct business during the legislative session. The memos have to do with procedures for getting travel to Carson City approverd -- just a week after one of Bonaventura's constables accompanied troubled Assemblyman Steven Brooks to the capital. "Travel to Carson City that has not been requested by the county's lobby team is strongly discouraged...
Not sure how many times Mike Roberson voted..... (New poll up.)   Will legislative Democrats propose a tax increase this session? Primary tabs View Edit Outline Results(active tab) Votes Yes   57% (74 votes) It depends what the meaning of the word "propose" is   28% (37 votes) No   13% (17 votes) Total votes: 128  
UPDATE: The Culinary has settled the economic issues with Margaritaville, so the picket line will only be at the Cosmopolitan. ---- The Culinary union is planning to picket the Cosmopolitan and Margaritaville properties on the Las Vegas Strip on Thursday, an indication that negotiations are at a stalemate. I first reported this for premium subscribers of the site Sunday, part of its “Stations Cancer on the Strip” campaign. But now I have obtained a flyer (attached here) that shows how the union...
