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UPDATE: Looks as if the court will hear from lawmakers before that select committee meets, after all. Late today, AP reporter Sandra Chereb says, the court gave the Legislature only two more days. So March 20 it is. Accusing Steven Brooks' lawyer of shoddy legal practices and claiming legislative lawyers are too busy with drafting deadlines, lawmakers have asked the Supreme Court to delay a hearing on whether they had the authority to ban the troubled assemblyman. If granted, lawmakers likely...
The city of Henderson's agreement with developer Chris Milam calls for a five-year "non-disparagement" period, which he agreed to but was a deal-killer for others. The agreement, with redlines from some affected parties, is attached here. The disclosure comes on the heels of consultant Michael Ford's broadside against the city, basically wondering how he can get his reputation back if the city won't let him talk. Ford said he would agree to "no restriction at all" and said Henderson refused to...
  UPDATED WITH HENDERSON STATEMENT BELOW Mike Ford, who was trying to help broker the land deal in Henderson that went sour, has issued a blistering broadside against the city in the wake of its settlement with developer Chris Milam. Ford had been portrayed by the city and its "newspaper" handmaidens as a double-dealer in the land deal, which Henderson settled with Milam by doing the Old West thing: Get out of town by sundown or else. But, says Ford, the city is trying to muzzle him after its...
The full Assembly could consider what to do with Assemblyman Steven Brooks by the end of next week, Majority Leader William Horne, who is chairing the select committee looking into the banished assemblyman, said this morning. "We want to get this off our plate," Horne told me. "We don't want to have this out there and interfering with the legislative process." Horne said the report from an independent counsel is expected very sooon (Friday, perhaps?) and that some of the information already...
  Las Vegas City Councilman Ricki Barlow is quite proud of his reappointment by Gov. Brian Sandoval to a high-speed rail commission. Indeed, he even said so in a newsletter and the city has posted it for him. I was also recently honored with a reappointment to the California-Nevada Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission by Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval. The commission is working on plans to develop a 269-mile super speed, magnetic levitation “Maglev” train system connecting Southern...
John Lee and Shari Buck are awful human beings who can lead North Las Vegas into the future ,and Anita Wood and Janice Ridondo both support the police even only one is endorsed by the union. The mail barrage intensifies in Northtown as ear;y voting begins Saturday. is anyone paying attention? The latest attached here.  
Who says municipal races aren't partisan? Las Vegas Councilmen Bob Beers and Stavros Anthony are having a joint  fundraiser with fellow Republican Suzette LaGrange, who is challenging Councilman Steve Ross, a longtime union supporter and former labor leader. The event is Thursday and has several ex-GOP officials on the invite, inlcuding former Assemblyman Richard McArthur and former North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon. One name not on the invite despite LaGrange's impeccable conservative...
