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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
UPDATED BELOW WITH STATEMENT FROM SEN. MICHAEL ROBERSON AND FRIENDS, REAFFIRMING (THEY SAY) LEGISLATIVE SUPREMACY:   That's the gist of an exchange of letters I have obtained and posted here. Some good reading. Bye bye mining tax alternative. Hello, margins tax campaign. Unless the Legislature passes a tax package.....   ROBERSON ET AL STATEMENT:   Senators Roberson, Kieckhefer, Hardy, Brower, Hammond and HutchisonReaffirm Constitutional Authority of the Legislature History has...
  UPDATED NUMBERS, AS OF 3 PM   8,125 total voters By city: NLV: 1,571 Mesquite: 337 LV: 2,795 Henderson: 3,422   This will be updated later: After three and a half hours (as of 10:30), here are the numbers: 2,843 total voters By city: NLV: 612 Mesquite: 80 LV: 1,037 Henderson: 1,114  
Yes, it's a small sample, but:     What do you think of the Las Vegas Review-Journal's new website? Primary tabs View Edit Outline Results(active tab) Votes Like someone threw up in HTML   46% (44 votes) Full of ads and photos and signifying nothing   24% (23 votes) Impossible to navigate   20% (19 votes) Brillant, easy-to-navigate design   8% (8 votes) Total votes: 94  
Posted here are a couple of pictures taken by Steven Brooks' family after the expelled assemblyman was taken to a hospital Thursday after he was arrested by police near Barstow. Brooks was attacked by a police dog and then struggled with the officers after they got him out of the car, part of which is shown here.  
UPDATED, 11:15 AM, WITH COLLINS RESPONSE BELOW UPDATED, 11:25 AM, WITH SPEAKER COMMENTS: Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick just told me that despite what Tom Collins told his colleagues, she believes there is no rush to appoint anyone. "There are a lot of details," she told me, including whether the person can be paid and whether the caucus might be able to offer housing. "Relax, please. We don't need someone this week. We will take our time."   Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins today again...
UPDATED, 1:05 PM: The only officer listed on the LLC that gave to Lee is "Wide Open Spaces," which had its status permanently revoked. Hmmm. UPDATED: 6: 20 AM, 4/2/13: Lee's campaign provided me with a document, posted here, that indicates the SOS site is wrong, that the Wide Open Spaces listed there is not the same one. Instead, it is a sole proprietorship run by Lee's wife. That still doesn't solve the campaign violation but indicates, perhaps, that the permanetly revoked officer problem is...
