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Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey went after those trying to divide his party in a compelling speech Monday at the Washoe GOP dinner calling for an end to the "circular firing squad." Ironically, the speech came on a night when Gov. Brian Sandoval, who tried to oust state Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald, boycotted the event because of Washoe Chairman Tom Taber's Caveman Radio hosting stint. If the Democrats are lucky, no one will listen to Hickey, who made a lot of sense. Here are...
Ross Miller is now 1-1 in getting third parties to disclose more about where their money is coming from in campaigns. After losing a case involving Americans for Prosperity, the secretary of state has won a District Court judgement against The Alliance for America's Future. The group ran ads to help Gov. Brian Sandoval in his 2010 race, but did not register as a PAC, thus keeping its donors secret. Miller protested and a court has agreed (judgment attached here). The outfit has to pay a $110,...
With 203 days left until the primary election in the most important race on the Nevada ballot in 2014, Republican lieutenant governor's hopeful Sue Lowden leveled her first sustained attack on anointed GOP choice Mark Hutchison on Monday. Lowden sought to portray Hutchison, hired by the state to sue the feds on Obamacare, as a hypocrite on the issue because he voted for bills that enabled the Affordable Care Act in Nevada. The attack came in an email sent Monday afternoon. In addition to a...
Will Harry Reid run for re-election? Primary tabs View Edit Outline Results(active tab) Votes Yes   81% (284 votes) No   18% (66 votes) Total votes: 350  
In a pretty stunning piece in The Washington Post that posted late Sunday, reporters Peter Wallsten and Tom Hamburger show that Gondolier Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson hopes web gaming sinks much faster than Venice. The willingess of Adelson, the country's largest GOP donor, to buy up Democratic talent such as ex-Sen. Blanche Lincoln is amazing, signaling his commitment to stop any DC effort. Might Justin Timberlake be next on Adelson's payroll? Highlights: ----Advisers to Adelson say he is...
Despite her claims that she is paying vendors from her U.S. Senate campaign, and that her situation is no different from many others, federal regulators continue to disagree. In a stern letter Friday to Lowden's campaign and her treasurer, Las Vegas Councilman Bob Beers, the Federal Election Commission clearly is not satisfied with Lowden's reporting, which shows she has not paid any of a $500,000 debt, and indciates the agency is poised to take enforcement action. This is not the first such...
