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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
I have previously reported that the AFL-CIO has flipped on the margin tax, now unwilling to back it after contributing to it and helping to write it. So why the revisionist history? Why the attempt to make it seem as if the AFL-CIO, which helped finance the initiative, now finds it to be some alien creation? Longtime AFL-CIO consultant Gail Tuzzolo told my producer, Dana Gentry, that the organization never supported the current iteration. That was before Karen Griffin, the spokeswoman for the...
The mailer is dense and fluffy and....early. Yes, Las Vegas City Councilman Bob Beers' campaign against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid began this week, about 1,000 days before the election, with a mail piece (attached here) delivered to GOP voters. It is a positive piece, does not mention Reid and surely is intended to gauge enthusiasm. (My favorite part is the unattributed quote about how wonderful he is.) I have already suggested he won't run. But Beers is all about fun and being wry --...
It's been coming for some time, but Team Reid clearly wants to try to help Sue Lowden against Mark Hutchison in the lieutenant governor's race. So the Nevada Democratic Party, a wholly owned subsidiary of Reid, Inc., is unleashing its chicken, used to lampoon Lowden in 2010 for her bartering gaffe, to help her! (It has brought back the chicken to hurt her, too, but Hutchison is the real target to try to elevate Lowden the way Reid helped elevate Sharron Angle in 2010.) Not only does it benefit...
UPDATED, 9:30 AM, 2/5/14: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who is slightly important on this issue, has come out against this new AGA-sponsored coalition. This from spokeswoman Kristen Orthman: Senator Reid has long believed that a significant expansion of gambling is bad for Nevada and for the country. He continues to oppose any efforts, including those proposed by the AGA, that would bring slot machines and other games of chance into every computer and home in America. He also, however,...
You could sense when they campaigned together that Barack Obama and Harry Reid—as different as two politicians could be—had a genuine affection for one another. I still remember a moment during the 2012 presidential campaign when Obama, the great orator, joked about Reid’s limited skills in that department, and the Senate majority leader, sitting behind the president, grinned as broadly as I have ever seen him. The hug afterward was like many I saw—it appeared heartfelt, not perfunctory. I...
If you foolishly decide to fill out the "We intend to screw incumbents and people with triple-digit IQs" Nevada Republican Party pre-primary endorsement questionnaire, I have an answer sheet for you. No need to thank me. 1. Describe, in detail, your professional & educational experience. (may attach detailed resume)  I have a lot of experience. My most important experience, though, is never having been to a Republican central committee meeting, so I have not been scared away from politics...
