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The Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling on Monday sent a letter to all American Gaming Association members, invoking Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and calling for Congress to call a "time-out" and restore the Wire Act of 1961 that effectively would ban the practice. Forget how delicious it is that a Sheldon Adelson-backed group -- the letter is signed by the three ex-elected officials he hired as mouthpieces -- uses Reid to help make the case. The letter is followed by a sustained attack on...
Will the Democrats put another initiative on the ballot, and what will it be? Primary tabs View Edit Outline Results(active tab) Votes Yes, minimum wage increase   32% (49 votes) No   23% (35 votes) Yes, declaring Harry Reid "King of the World"   22% (33 votes) Yes, gun background checks   12% (18 votes) Yes, emergency room rate cap   4% (7 votes) Yes, same-day registration...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This weeks's headlines: Sheldon Adelson thinks the 2016 Republican National Convention is coming to Vegas, Beers may alight on Neptune and Lowden mixes her rurals. Also: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week and The Weekly Insiders on the LG's race, Beers for Senate, web gaming blowup and the GOP pre-primary endorsements. Image of the week:   At the Humbault County Lincoln Day Luncheon in Battle Mountain w County Chair Alicia Price and Daxon Bakker
Rarely will voters be confronted with a more abysmal choice in November and on the most important contest on the ballot. When it comes to the margin tax, Nevadans will have to choose between relying on a school-funding measure that was poorly constructed and could have deleterious effects on the economy and leaving the task in the hands of a dithering, invertebrate Gang of 64, a k a the governor and the Legislature. This is not a lesser of two evils or pick your poison choice; this is asking...
The Guinn Center for Policy Priorities, whose goal is to be a moderate voice of analysis amid the usual political hysteria, has published its inaugural effort on the most incendiary political topic of the moment: The margin tax. The center, named for the late governor who was known for trying to be a voice of reason on many issues, has prepared a detailed and generally dispassionate document explaining what the tax is and what it isn't. It is attached here. But one conclusion -- that revenue...
