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Good morning, everyone, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Sorry this is a bit late, dear Flashees. Whirlwind weekend in DC started with Friday night red-eye, ended getting home late last night. Fantastic experience on ”Meet the Press”, with many memorable moments on and even off the air. My favorite of the latter was when I introduced myself to Sen. Dick Durbin, who was walking in to get makeup, and he glanced back, nodded and said, “Harry talks about you.” I bet he does. My apologies to premium...
Good morning, everyone. If it’s Sunday, it’s----me on “Meet the Press.” Yes, dear Flashees, you read that right. I’m as surprised as you are that they want to do an entire program on Sen. Dean Heller’s thoroughly inept operation, but so be it. Seriously, it’s quite an honor, and I just hope I don’t sound like Ralph Kramden when he went on TV. New countdown: Brian Sandoval is re-elected today. ICYMI,POLITICO piece that posted last night. What’s below: Southern confab, Reid in crosshairs and a...
Good morning, everyone. Seriously, what is wrong with these Republicans in the Assembly? Michele Fiore talked about bringing a gun to a Culinary picket line. Jim Wheeler talked about slavery. Pat Hickey awkwardly touted low minority turnout as a GOP boon. And now Ira Hansen thinks it’s funny to call those afflicted with awful, debilitating diseases “Harry Reid supporters.” I have as good a sense of humor as the next guy, but none of this is funny, and most of it is quite disturbing. But I...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Ex-Gov. Bob Miller on education and literacy. DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 89 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 237       Good morning, everyone. You may have heard of the big loss for Democrats in a Florida congressional district on Tuesday. Of course, the natural trajectory is for the winners to boast this is a bellwether and the losers to claim it has no global significance. But what’s inescapable...
Good morning, everyone. “Harry Reid isn’t on Nevada’s ballot this year, but he may as well be.” That’s true every year he isn’t, but especially this year with the LG’s race, and that’s how Politico’s excellent Manu Raju began his piece that posted today. Raju gets all of the elements, including Gov. Brian Sandoval’s leaning against the race (I never thought he would run but it is March 11, 2013, dear Flashees). There’s also a standard quote from your favorite Flasher. It’s a good read. New...
Good morning, everyone. Sometimes a piece just resonates so loudly and with so much emotion that it must be passed along. Such is the case with journalist Ron Suskind’s incredible story in the Sunday New York Times Magazine about his autistic son opening up through Disney. There are many in this state who have fought for more recognition of autism and more funding for the cause. But everyone should read this story – you will not soon forget it. New countdown: Five days until Gov. Brian...
Good morning, everyone. Thirty percent of filing days are gone, and not one surprise yet. Someday there will be this trivia question: Who was the Democratic nominee for governor in 2014? Other sacrificial lambs – Joe Neal, Patty Cafferata – at least were elected officials at one time. Is it possible that it really will be Brian Sandoval vs. some-dude-we-never-heard-of? Look upon these works--- New countdown: Nine days until Gov. Brian Sandoval is re-elected, and a reporter says, “Do you pledge...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Guy sues casino after losing a fortune while drunk. And there's a law to cite. Really? DAYS UNTIL PRIMARY ELECTION DAY 2014: 94 DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 242       Good morning, everyone. War was declared on Las Vegas thismorning, according to Politico’s Mike Allen, by the Democratic group, American Bridge, which is trying to damage the city’s chances to get the 2016 national convention. This plays into...
Good morning, everyone. It’s very possible the state Republican Party, a k a The Only Thing That Can Save the Democrats in 2014, is not teachable. But if the so-called leaders were to glance at Texas on Tuesday, they will see what happens when primary challengers try to run to the right and call popular incumbents “liberal” or are backed by Sarah Palin and claim conservative bona fides: They lose. As the Nevada party enables similar primaries here, as the ventriloquists over at Citizen...
