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Good morning, everyone. I gather that the Koch Brothers have been airing “Our company rocks!” ads for a few weeks, which I only saw for the first time during “Meet the Press” on Sunday. Maybe you have seen them. So the brothers are spending a lot of money to burnish its image in the wake of relentless attacks by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Does this mean he has already won? Maybe he should take to the Senate floor, issue a final broadside, drop the mic and----move to Las Vegas!
Welcome to the Weekly Report.
This week:
1. The margin tax "secret" meetings -- will the teachers pull an el foldo?
2. New registration figures show Dems not doing anything in key Senate races
3. The Weekly Insiders on Sig vs. Roger
4. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments
Why did I pick the folks I did as my insiders? This first item is worth the yearly price, dear premium Flashees:
►You should be watching for some interesting developments in the Margin Tax fight. By the way...
In three weeks, Ready for Hillary will assert its presence in Nevada with two representatives from the group and Rep. Dina Titus.
I bet Erin Bilbray shows up. Just a guess.
The goal is to "engage women in your community during the 2014 election and beyond."
Beyond, eh?
As if the opposition needed more money, the Realtors have formed a political action committee dedicated to defeating The Education Initiative, a k a the margin tax.
Realtors Against Question 3, which they cleverly call RAQ3 for short (ain't that catchy?), was formed last week.
So the Realtors join the gamers, miners, retailers and chamberites in raising money to fight this deadly scourge.
Anyone else in?
Welcome to the Weekly Report.
This week:
1. Crosstabs from that poll on Reid-Sandoval and more
2. Inside story of how the Washoe trustees think they got around the Open Meeting Law to hire Kent Robison
3. The Weekly Insiders on the poll, stadium dreams, CD3 and Tesla
4. Smartest/dumbest moves and coming campaign developments
Some great lines from my insiders this week:
►On Tesla coming or not: “If Nevada is the highest bidder, they will come. Our state is the desperate girl at the end of the...
News item: Gov. Brian Sandoval leads Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid by 53-43 in a hypothetical 2016 Senate matchup
Imagine a collective Republican cry of ecstasy.
Whatever sound that makes, it reverberated across the interwebs last week after I posted the first public results of the race Republicans dream will happen: The manifestly popular Sandoval vs. the serially unpopular Harry Reid.
By week’s end, numerous conservative blogs had published the results, which also showed Reid with a 55...