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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
A beautiful, sweet Nevada political story, surely with a happy ending: From outsider to anointed. That’s the Stavros Anthony tale as the former Metro cop and ex-regent who ran for office crusading against two Goodman family projects is about to be consecrated by the lobbyists who appear most frequently before the council and Goodman II. Next week at a fundraiser kicking off his re-election bid – invitation attached here – Anthony undoubtedly will rake in a small fortune at an event hosted by...
Among the many pleasures of my holiday season vacation, in between the excessive sleeping, drinking and eating, I devoured the latest Politico e-book: "The End of the Line." The excellent, detailed recitation by Jonathan Martin and Glenn Thrush of the last 34 days of the campaign contains a brief snippet about President Obama's "three-day cram session" in October at Lake Las Vegas in Henderson. The "scene out in the Westin resort.....was tense, surreal and unsettling, 'just full of bad vibes,'...
But, to be, fair, the sample size is not large. The question:  Which newspaper do you trust the most for coverage of government/political news? Results: Las Vegas Sun   45% (59 votes) I don't trust any of 'em   32% (43 votes) Las Vegas Review-Journal   18% (24 votes) Reno Gazette-Journal   3% (5 votes) Total votes: 131   NEW POLL UP SOON....  
The National Rifle Association spread around five figures to Nevada legislative candidates in 2010 and 2012, including to key Carson City players. The NRA has given to about a third of the current crop and in a bipartisan fashion. The contributions, while not overwhelming, indicate that the gun lobby is interested in squelching legislation in Carson City. Its biggest contribution, not surprisingly, was to ex-state Sen. John Lee, who proposed that campus carry bill now being pushed by newly...
