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  Good morning, everyone. Congratulations to Harvey Munford and his son for winning the Grammy last night. I don’t know where he finds the time around his legislative duties. Personally, I thought Levon Helm should have won it posthumously, but that tribute was nice. For those of you who have not renewed and upgraded (it’s the same price for both!), you missed my column Sunday on taxes and the Gang of 63, but more importantly, you missed a fascinating collection of opinions on how the debate...
Welcome to The Weekly Report, where you will get exclusive information, columns and analysis. This week: 1. My column: Lawmakers will attempt to put the budget in context 2. The Weekly Insiders Survey: A leadership report card, issues that will pop up and odds of an online poker bill in 30 days   MY COLUMN: GET READY FOR RED FRIDAY   You’ve heard of Black Friday? This week, prepare for Red Friday. It hasn’t been posted yet, but that’s the day the joint money committees will try to put this...
That and more Friday evening on "Ralston Reports" as fellow Democrats and Clark County Commissioners Steve Sisolak and Tom Collins went at it:  
After he settled with the city of Henderson for a paltry sum, indicating the government was eager to release him, attorney Christopher Stephens, through his lawyers, lambasted what they called the "pulp fiction" of a lawsuit. The statement, from the law firm of Campbell and Williams, is a brutal denunciation of Henderson's lawsuit against Stephens and others, including developer Chris Milam, who once promised to build a stadium near the "M" Resort. Don't take my word for it. Read it and cringe...
A new analysis of the Las Vegas housing market cites the "unintended consequences" of Nevada's construction defect statute as inhibiting the recovery of a slowly mending sector. The study, which I am told was given to lawmakers and I have attached here, was done by UNLV economist Stephen Brown for the Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association, which has long sought reforms to Chapter 40 of Nevada law. Brown's general conlcusion: The Nevada housing market is finally showing signs of recovery....
I told you Thursday about that ill-fated NRA meeting in which the gamers were not buying the UNLV NOW financing proposal for that new stadium. That's an intangible problem for Don Snyder & Co. that could become tangible. But, I have learned, the stadium has another, more immediate problem: It can't be built the way it has been designed. So says the Federal Aviation Administration in a series of "presumed hazard" findings (I have attached one here) that indicate the structure could interfere...
      On this Valentine’s Day, with apologies to my wife, I must send greetings to my longest love affair. I refer, of course, to my undying ardor for Nevada politics, which has more ups and downs in a year than most three-decade marriages but never ceases to excite and exhilarate as happy unions are supposed to do. The thrill is never gone. Just look what we have enjoyed together in our 26-plus-year match made in heaven. Indeed, it was love at first sight. Back in 1986, when the relationship...
If you had told me two years ago that Steven Horsford's first bill as a congressman would have the word "Yerington" in it, I would have laughed out loud. But after that district was drawn to include seven counties, and Horsford discovered the wonders of the rurals during his campaign, maybe it's not that surprising. And he has just introduced this bill, and I have attached it here. Somewhere, the Dini family is smiling.    
