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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has agreed to participate in an immigration march in downtown Las Vegas next week with organized labor and other groups.
Reps. Steven Horsford and Dina Titus also are expected to participate in the Las Vegas May Day Rally. The federal types are expected to give brief remarks as well. It is expected to start about 5 PM on Wednesday -- good timing for live television coverage....
The march will move from the federal buidling to St. Louis Square and seems likely...
One day before the Manchin-Toomey gun bill was introduced and one week before he announced he would oppose it, Sen. Dean Heller told a consitutent in writing that "we can take reasonable steps to ensure that we do not infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while also keeping guns out of the hands of those who are potentially violent or mentally ill."
So what's the big deal?
Maybe there isn't one, but the letter, attached here, indicates that either:
1. Heller was...
The Ron Paul forces will not go gently into the good night as the Establishment tries to take over the Republican Party.
That's the message of an email that went out in advance of next month's Clark County GOP elections from a prominent Paul supporter and national convention delegate. Richard Bunce, who helped Cindy Lake, another Paulite, become chairman, and whose brother, Carl, ran the Nevada Paul campaign, this week wrote the email I have reproduced below and sent it far and wide.
Four U.S. senators released their draft this morning of a new nuclear waste strategy, with Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski summing up the frustratiuon of some:
"While I continue to support Yucca Mountain as a permanent repository site, I also recognize the current realities that make that outcome unlikely at this time."
I have attached a summary of the measure, which would create a new federal agency outside of DOE to manage nuclear waste, and would ask for states to volunteer to store the waste, as...
I wanted to believe this session was going to be different.
It isn’t.
I wanted to believe Democrats, who talked about talking, had a plan.
They don’t.
I wanted to believe we might really get what we were promised – tax reform, a broad-based business tax.
We won’t.
I feel like I am watching a rerun of a rerun of a rerun of a rerun. It’s déjà vu all over again, but of the worst kind.
As the Democrats have declared everything is on the tax table, they have not drawn up chairs and now have (again)...
UPDATED, 7:20 AM: I have attached the GOP release here. Also, let's not forget that even putting an alternative on the ballot may not be legal.
On the day marking the two-thirds point of Session '13, state Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson and five of his GOP colleagues plan to unveil a $600 million a biennium net proceeds tax on mines, sources confirmed.
The so-called Education Priority Initiative from the folks I have affectionately dubbed the Dirty Half-Dozen would be promoted as...
UPDATE, 4:45 PM: I just got off the phone with Sharron Angle. She confirmed that the new PAC will be active this cycle, and it already has its first event planned, with sessions on lobbying, the Constitution, immigration and....election integrity. " The latter is her new hobbyhorse, and that section is called: "Protecting against Election Corruption"
The others:
"Applying the Constitution to influence elected officials"
"Citizenship and green cards for the undocumented (what's legal now) in...
During Monday night’s stirring Senate floor debate, I couldn’t help but think of Steven.
Steven is my brother. Steven is the most wonderful, loving person I know. He has two incandescent children and a perfectly matched life partner.
Steven also happens to be gay. And as senator after senator rose last night, as if they were feeding off each other’s energy and humanity, to support repealing the state’s gay marriage law, I thought of Steven.
I hope I would feel the way I do even if my brother...