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Welcome to The Weekly Report. All I asked for this week was a list of top political stories and predictions for ’18. A few dedicated insiders heeded the call on a holiday weekend. Some trenchant and hilarious stuff. Enjoy their musings, and have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year. TOP STORIES 1. 1 October. Tragically, from any aspect it’s the top story of 2017. The amazing response from the Las Vegas community ,police, fire and AMR, an outpouring of support from locals, empathy and...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Your honest assessment of our Speaking Up package on Friday. Will it change anything? What change would work? 3. Were we all wrong -- is Ruben going to survive? Some good stiff from the insiders on our sexual misconduct piece, and most still think Kihuen is dead. ►A common sentiment: Ruben, Ruben, Ruben. What the hell are you doing? Step down and end this. The longer he stays in his seat, the better the chances...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: Your thoughts on Kihuen: Is he dead? Does he resign? Not run? Who gets in on both sides if there is a special election? Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? IBA and Joiner not running bring the total leaving the Assembly close to double digits -- and it will get there. Thoughts on their leaving? This happens every cycle. Is this a good thing or a bad thing -- all the turnover every cycle? And is it time to consider a full-time Legislature? How much impact...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week:   1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    Will Brian Sandoval go down in history as one of the state's greatest governors? Why or why not? What will he be doing two years from now? 3.    Someone said this week John Ensign is planning a comeback. Is this the most insane thing you have ever heard? If not, can you name something you have heard recently that is more insane about Nevada politics? 4.    Most likely upset of 2018 in order: Tark becomes...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week:   1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    Thoughts on the Woodhouse recall-- if it qualifies, as seems possible, can she win? 3.    Duncan is in -- your take on Duncan-Ford? 4.    The sanctuary cities ballot initiative was filed this week. Odds of it passing?   Insiders are split on if Woodhouse survives, but most of them are disgusted with the process, no matter their political affiliations. My take: It could go either way – the 5 percent sample...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.    Smartest and dumbest moves of the week? 2.    With the Weinstein stories and other state capitals talking about rampant sexual harassment, how bad is the atmosphere in Carson City? Is it a rampant problem, Manendo-isolated, what? I find it ironic so many high-ranking women are there over the last few sessions, but the place is toxic, no? Thoughts -- longer the better. 3.    The Laxalt announcement road show begins next week. Thoughts? Some...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1 Smartest and dumbest moves of the week? 2. Chris G. is in for governor. Two questions: A. Can you envision a scenario in which she could win? B. Do you think Sisolak & Co. can keep her from filing, and how? 3. Rank in order of probability and why: Dems federal lawsuit against recalls succeeds Nevada gets Amazon HQ2 House and Senate pass Yucca bill, Trump signs Dean Heller doesn't run 4. Could Victoria Seaman beat Scott Hammond in CD3?   Great stuff...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week:   1.    Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.    Laxalt and repealing the Commerce Tax? Smart strategy? Unforced error? Thoughts? 3.    Any thoughts on the second week after the shooting? I have been puzzled for two weeks by Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s thought process in deciding to come out for the repeal of the Commerce Tax, which was supported by many Republicans and business groups and has had no discernible deleterious effect on the economy. And...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week 2. Thoughts on what happened Sunday and the aftermath. Be as short or as long as you want. Talk about any aspect (s) you want -- political reaction, the future of Vegas, the insanity of it all…   Somber edition. Some good thoughts from some smart people.   ►Strong: Since they all want to seek out the microphone, let’s look at what they have done or can do:   The right wing darling, Justice Scalia, opined in the...
Welcome to The Weekly Report. This week: 1.   Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2.   Adam Laxalt and Chris G. get into the gov's race on Monday. What should we watch for? 3.   Who is the most qualified person in Nevada to be governor and why? 4.   I sense the Dems are nervous about the recalls qualifying. Should they be? And if they do, what is the likely outcome?   Big news from one of my insiders is that recallers already boasting they have the signatures. Others say they think they will...
