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As part of a national campaign to pressure undecided senators, including Dean Heller, the AFL-CIO has started an ad campaign in English and Spanish. The labor folks also have a series of "webisodes" featuring different stories. Will this have much effect on someone such as Heller? Not sure he cares much what labor thinks. But I suppose every little bit could help. Here are the TV spots:
UPDATE: Tonight is the vote. And the Realtors apparently don't like how they are being portrayed. I've attached the latest correspondence.     UPDATE: There are a whole batch of new mail pieces going out from the Realtors PAC, and attached here. The group also has done a lot of field work in advance of Wednesday's vote, aided by experts Sarah Jaffa and Billy Rogers. They have been collecting hundreds of comment cards to be presented at the council meeting. And their canvassing indicates huge...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. My column: The 2014 landscape 2. Setting the baseline odds for 2014 3. A few legislative leftovers (don't hate me)   MY COLUMN: GOP PROSPECTS FOR 2014 LOOKING UP?   The Democratic machine going into 2014 is like a supercharged Ferrari missing only a driver and crew. And for the first time since 2006 – The Year of Jim Gibbons! – the Republicans look to have a substantial edge 500 days from Election Day ’14, with a popular governor leading a statewide...
Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore sent a missive to her list this week, thanking Gov. Brian Sandoval for vetoing the background check bill and lambasting Democrats for entombing her campus carry bill. Permit me to annotate: Friends, I'm so thankful that Governor Sandoval has listened to the thousands of Nevadans who have contacted his office urging him to oppose SB221. (He made up his mind long before those calls started.) Less than an hour ago Governor Sandoval vetoed this bill. Senate...
This is on the UNLV College Republicans' web site, a few weeks before Chair Cindy Lake faces a challenge from Dave McKeon. I have high hopes the Republican comedy show of the last few cycles could open a whole new chapter....     CINDY LAKE MUST RESIGN.   CALL THE CLARK COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY AT (702) 258-9184 AND DEMAND HER RESIGNATION TODAY! Here are five images showing Cindy Lake trashing Republicans, claiming she will not support Republican candidates, and claiming she will vote for...
  Of all the 2013 Legislature’s misbegotten labors, the worst failing, the most egregious broken promise will result next week in the kickoff of one of the more expensive campaigns in Nevada history. Yes, just two weeks after Democratic leaders took the coward’s way out and didn’t address the teachers union’s margins tax while breaking a pledge to pass a broad-based one of their own, the Nevada State Education Association plans to announce its ballot campaign for 2014, I’ve confirmed. This is...
Erin Bilbray may remain as a consultant to the non-profit she founded if she runs for Congress, according to a draft FEC advisory opinion. The issue was whether Bilbray, whose father was a congressman from 1987-1999, could be a paid consultant to Emerge Nevada, an organization dedicated to electing Democratic women.  The key finding by the FEC, whose opinion is attached here, is this: As a consultant, Ms. Bilbray-Kohn’s duties will be limited to organizing Emerge Nevada’s training program,...
As expected, it came today. The veto message is attached.    
Later this morning, a coalition pushing for immigration reform will release polling nmbers designed to gather more votes for the measure -- looking at you, Sen. Dean Heller. The poll was sponsored by the Alliance for Citizenship (working with the Nevada group, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada), Partnership for a New American Economy, and Republicans for Immigration Reform -- two prominent Nevada Republicans, former Gov. Bob List and ex-Clark County Commissioner Bruce Woodbury are...
