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A few years ago, I received a phone call from someone who had just attended the funeral of a Nevada political luminary. He was in shock not because of the man’s death but because of what he had seen outside the church: A candidate was handing out campaign literature. A funeral as a prime networking opportunity! If anything was emblematic about the shameless and shameful side of political life, that was it. I was reminded of the incident as I read This Town, Timesman Mark Leibovich’s often...
As I have previously posted, Mark Leibovich managed to get some good stuff on Mitt Romney's tax returns from the majority leader in his new book, "This Town." Leibovich, I think, is torn on Harry Reid: He sees him as antithetical to the slick phoniness of This Town but also possessed of a self-editing mechanism that could be switched on once in awhile. But Reid can, sometimes awkwardly, summon artifice in certain situations. Leibovich, for an amateur Reidologist, gets him pretty well. He sees...
You make the call. BuzzFeed (and the caption, with misspelled last name) says it's the guy doing the pounding. I say Harry Reid is the guy on the ropes. Isn't it obvious, folks? UPDATE: Reid says he's the one standing. I shall not rest until I find the truth! I am a Reid Truther! UPDATE TWO: Reid's favorite DREAMer has what I would call a smoking gun.  
Highlighting how important Nevada's swing district is in the national picture and how immigration could be pivotal, the House Majority PAC has a new Spanish-language ad up against GOP Rep. Joe Heck. Heck is one of only three GOP incumbents targeted by the ads -- the others are California Rep. Gary Miller and Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman. Here's the English translation and the ad is below: UNIVISION CLIP: Republicans in the Capitol and in private conversations forecast a 'slow death' for...
I am almost done reading New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich's "This Town," his lacerating look at the incestuousness Political/Media Complex that is Washington, DC. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has quite the role in the book -- I will write more about that this week -- and generally comes off as I know he is: No self-editing mechanism, an anti-politician in public and a consummate one in private. But I had to share this right away, a piece that comes near the end of the book: Remember...
During a nine-minute discussion with Sens. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, and Dean Heller this morning, much of it devoted to guns, not one "Morning Joe" panel member asked the Nevadan about his position on background checks -- but he was twice asked about his USC football fandom. You cannot make this stuff up. On an MSNBC panel that included Bob Woodward, Andrea Mitchell and hosts Joe Scarbrough and Mika Brzezinski (who mangled the pronunication of "Nevada"), Heller was silent for about two-...
Dogged reporting by the Reno Gazette-Journal's Martha Bellisle has resulted in revelations sure to reinvigorate the background check debate in Nevada. This is almost the perfect storm for gun control advocates still smarting from Gov. Brian Sandoval's veto of Senate Bill 221, which would have extended background checks to private sales. The measure was seen by some as a common-sense measure but was pilloried by foes as an incursion into Second Amendment rights, which Sandoval parroted in his...
