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  • Warning: date_timezone_set() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, boolean given in format_date() (line 2062 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
  • Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in format_date() (line 2072 of /www/html/live/ralston/includes/
Newly re-elected Chairman Michael McDonald's slogan is "UNIty," which may be easy to accomplish if you only have one person in the office. I've confirmed that Jesse Law, the controversial political director and expert vote counter, no longer is being paid by the state party. That leaves only one paid employee in the office. This was inevitable after the Establishment lost the chairmanship fight and after Gondolier Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson signaled he was holstering his checkbook so long as...
UPDATE: A second letter has now gone out, with this one carring a "you're with us or against us" message" to state lawmakers. I've attached it here, but this is the essence: Should you choose not to publicly stand with Nevada job creators and workers against this unsatisfactory comportment, some might interpret that as sympathy for the same union bosses who see nothing wrong with calling tourists “losers,” “beached whales” and “nasty skanks,” among other things. ----------------   Lots of...
If you want an object lesson in why you should never underestimate Harry Reid, his shutdown shutout was a marvel. Sports fans can be reveling in the stupendous pitching performances in the playoffs, but the real gem was being thrown on Capitol Hill. And the Democrats’ ace was never more on his game even though he only had one pitch: Hardball. Yes, the victory may be ephemeral – another deadline awaits three months hence. And, yes, the House GOP rebels, with sustenance from the Cruz-Lee caucus,...
As anti-Establishment lieutenant governor candidate Sue Lowden was tweeting about her campaign meetings in Reno  on Thursday, the anointed favorite, Mark Hutchison, sent out word that the city's elite is with him. As you can see from the invitation attached here, a Nov. 5 event at prominent businessman Blake Smith's home is beng hosted by the likes of Mayor Bob Cashell, Sparks Mayor Geno Martini, gamer Gary Carano and R&R's Pete Ernaut, among several others. Message, repeated: I'm anointed...
I want to be angry with the Washoe County commissioners who are lining up to kick the schools tax question to the ballot. But it’s not their fault – at least not all of their fault. The story here – and it should not be forgotten when Gov. Brian Sandoval and the Gang of 63 brag about their education records next year – is that thee who punted first, punted worst, creating a political football of the worst kind so they could claim to be for something they doomed to failure. This is a microcosm...
Gondolier Numero Uno Sheldon Adelson is in the fight against Internet gaming for the long haul, having just completed a series of state polls that show the enterprise is wildly unpopular. The Tarrance Group, a well regarded national firm, recently completed a series of polls for the Las Vegas Sands chairman, and I have obtained the memo written by pollster Dave Sackett. He conducted surveys in four states -- California, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania -- and found overwhelming opposition...
Good morning, everyone. All of these maneuvers on Capitol Hill remind me of Nevada Legislature, summer of 2003, when a small group of lower house members controlled the narrative but ultimately did not win. The so-called mean/Fearless Fifteen of a decade ago were the Tea Party caucus of Nevada before the Tea Party even existed, led by Bob Beers, who would fit right in with the House GOP’s minority caucus. The threat of an extended government shutdown, extra sessions, fears of harm to THE...
