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WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. Have fun with this one: Who would be the strongest GOP candidate against Steve Sisolak in 2022? A. Adam Laxalt. B. Mark Amodei C. Ben Kieckhefer D. Michele Fiore E. Someone else (who?) 4. Who is the person not ordinarily mentioned as an up and comer whom we should keep an eye on? 5. One year from now, pot in Nevada will be: A. Shut down B...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1. Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? 3. After the tragedies in El Paso and Dayton, you think anything changes in Nevada vis a vis guns? If so, how? Welcome to the summer doldrums and cynicism on guns…. ►We’re on it! The media must better scrutinize our state budget. Enrollments in schools, Medicaid, prisons, etc will continue to strain limited resources. We can’t wait until the...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: 1. Smartest/dumbest political moves of the week? 2. Most interesting thing you read about Nevada politics this week? 3. Any thoughts on the Dem debates? Any insight on who is doing well (I know it's early!) in Nevada? Some really smart, raw and passionate stuff this week: ►Damn: Two mass shootings in 24 hours, the El Paso attack was clearly hate based. The Narcissist in Chief, tweets out his condolences, Democrats engage in the all too predictable hand...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT It’s been awhile. I’ll start asking about smartest/dumbest moves and the most interesting thing my insiders read next week. But this week, I wanted to set the baseline for the 2020 campaign with these questions: 1. What issues are out there in Nevada that could affect the elections here -- from top to bottom? Any not-so-obvious ones? 2. Set the initial odds on: Trump winning Nevada Dems holding both houses of the Legislature Susie Lee winning re-election Steven...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This will be the last one for awhile, and I want to thank these legislative insiders for taking the time every week. They are all very busy and have taken part of their weekend to help provide the kind of inside look you cannot find anywhere else. It’s one of the best ideas I have ever had, and it is, frankly, priceless information. You will see that in this installment as in all of them, their experience and yet disparate views really provide a lot of illumination...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? So much in flux, so keeping it wide open this week: What are your general thoughts about where we are, the endgame, what are keys to closing? Who is impressing and who isn't? What is surprising you and what is not? Any thoughts welcome on the session -- same as others, different, whatever?   I am not surprised at the greater-than-usual-return rate...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? What is the most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? With two weeks left, what is the one narrative of this session that you were sure of in February that has not come to fruition? Who is the single most important person in the building during the endgame? For those of us for whom this all seems like deja vu, what is a reform that could change the end-of-session partisan nonsense and...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? How does the two-thirds play out -- rank from most to least likely: Budget passes without 2/3 and with MBT; Dems get one or more Repub to pass with MBT and two-thirds; budget passes without MBT. What is the Dem strategy for the endgame? The GOP strategy? Do they exist? Odds of special? My insiders don’t seem to buy the LCB opinion. Seems fitting...
WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? Most interesting thing you read or heard about Nevada politics this week? One month left: What are the top three stumbling blocks to close? What issue is out there that no one is really focusing on that could throw a wrench into the endgame? What are the key decision points for the governor in the final four weeks? What tough decisions will he have to make? Who or what will influence him? I’m sure everybody is still in...
​WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY REPORT This week: Smartest/dumbest moves of the week? Most interesting thing you read or heard this week in Nevada politics? Rank most to least likely in 2020: Amodei-Laxalt primary; Bernie wins Nevada in February; two new County Commission seats won by legislators; or Trump wins Nevada in November. What bill will surprise us by passing or dying Tuesday? Impressive return rate for Easter weekend from the insiders. I thank them. Some thoughts: ►More than one mentioned the...
