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ood morning, everyone. The air seems cleaner. Food tastes better. Life seems transformed. Yes, the era of Teslada has begun, a world where we can be gigahappy. I was surprised, although I shouldn’t have been, that a couple of Democratic senators pushed back against my column, which argued that the deal had to be done but the hard part (getting together a funding package in 2015) is coming. I still think the quote of the week came from one of my weekly insiders, who offered: “Someone needs to...
Good morning, everyone. Sorry for the late, quick and dirty MorningFlash, but I was out quite late last night celebrating THE GREATEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO NEVADA. Seriously (actually I was serious about the out late part), I will have more to say Sunday (I think) but the outcome was what it always was going to be: No NO votes, lawmakers gathered around the governor in his stuffed and stuffy office (fire marshal’s attention diverted) for a signing ceremony (check my Twitter feed for pics...
      TONIGHT'S RALSTON REPORTS: Live from Carson City, probably. DAYS UNTIL GENERAL ELECTION DAY 2014: 54 DAYS UNTIL EARLY VOTING BEGINS: 37       Good morning, everyone. Imagine taking a leisurely walk down a forest path. On one side, the sun peers through the trees, illuminating some interesting scenery; on the other, darkness. As you approach the end of your first day of strolling, suddenly the dark side becomes light, only to reveal a bunch of clowns, pointing guns at their own heads...
ood morning, everyone. I should have known. If the full moon didn’t give it away, common sense should have. A special session to grant tax breaks and, of course, others would try to take advantage and get some, too. Of course. Enter Rob Roy, the Switch Communications boss, who Tuesday was busy persuading Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative leaders to let him get a piece of the Tesla action. I’m told he has a billion dollars on the drawing board for projects North ($250 million) and South ($750...
Welcome to the Weekly Report. This week: 1. The Senate Democratic implosion 2.  Some special session post-mortems from The Weekly Insiders 3. Smartest/dumbest/campaign moves to watch for Best line of the week: Someone needs to remind Senator Ford that Elon Musk is real and that Paul Blart is just a Mall Cop.    How do you violate the strict law banning fundraising for the next two weeks by lawmakers? Here’s how: Dozens of violations of the post special session fundraising blackout. From post-...
Imagine if Gov. Brian Sandoval had just said no to Tesla. Imagine if he had told Elon Musk he would not submit to his demands for as much as a billion dollars in tax breaks. Imagine if the governor had announced to the world that Nevada would not play the incentives game. Just imagine. And then realize how insane that is. You can say Musk was Vito Corelone, making Sandoval an offer he couldn’t refuse, forcing him to accept onerous conditions because there is no alternative. You can say the...
