So Assemblyman Jim Wheeler says we should believe him about where he lives, despite a residency complaint filed with the state, because his girlfriend who does not reside in his district is hot.
Or, as he put it to Ray Hagar of the Reno Gazette-Journal: “Have you ever seen my girlfriend? Well, if you had seen her, you’d spend the night up there, too."
Or, as he put it to Ray Hagar of the Reno Gazette-Journal: “Have you ever seen my girlfriend? Well, if you had seen her, you’d spend the night up there, too."
No wonder he sometimes appears on Caveman Radio.
As a crack investigative journalist, I have discovered other things Wheeler, the man who says he'd vote for slavery if his constituents wanted him to and who wishes Las Vegas was sold to California, says about his girlfriend:
►"She wants to be my slave."
►"If my constituents want me to dump her, I'll have to dump her."
►"She hates the South, too."
►"She doesn't have a liberal bone in her body -- and I'd know."
►"She thinks the media are out to get me, too."
►"Like me, she never consorts with lobbyists."
►"She likes my guns."
►"She is lien and mean."
►"She agrees with me that love means never having to say you're sorry, unless you make really stupid comments about slavery."