That and other gems come from the neverending clown show headed by Michael McDonald.
Permit me to reprint his latest missive to the faithful, with helpful annotations:
Dear State Central Committee Member,
There have been quite a few rumors circulating in the media and the blogosphere about the endorsing process that the Central Committee directed the nominating committee to develop. Today the Nominating Committee issued a release to address some of the errors, such as:
The Nominating Committee does not decide who is endorsed by the party. (Hence the name "Nominating Committee.") The 16 members of the Nominating Committee review qualifications, viability, record and party involvement, and make a recommendation to the Central Committee based on these facts. (Oh, yes, facts!) The final decision is made by you, the members of the Central Committee who were elected to represent your counties at the NRCC, and you are free to decide to accept or reject the Nominating Committee recommendation. (Um, no one in the "media or blogosphere has said otherwise, Chairman Paranoia. But Nominating Committee Resident Genius Tom Grover did say, "The endorsement process is not an expression of preference," perhaps one of the dumbest statements ever made.)
The process doesn't take away the power of the voters in the primary to decide the nominee - that will happen just as it always has. All the party endorsement does is let voters know which candidates using the party's brand have asked for the party's support and received it. (Actually, what it should tell people is that a small group of unrepresentative voters decided this.)
A large number of candidates - nearly 40 so far - have requested your endorsement, and are in various stages of the process. Your Nominating Committee has completed the process with the first round of these candidates, and will be ready with many more recommendations by Saturday, Feb 15th. (I can't wait to see it happen!)
The process was developed in accordance with our current bylaws, by a standing committee that was already in place. Nothing in the bylaws needs to be changed in order to follow the process, although the Nominating Committee is recommending that the specific process be memorialized in the bylaws. (So what?)
By voting in September to develop this process, you said that while the final choice of nominee should be up to the primary voters, you also believe that the NRCC should have a say in who's using the name of your party to get elected. (Luckily they didn't vote that the June balloting should not count!)
Click here to see an FAQ about the endorsement process.
We've made a couple of changes to Saturday's proposed agenda, including a presentation by Nevada State RNC Director Greg Bailor on precinct organization and cutting edge technology to make our job of identifying and turning out voters easier. We've also allowed for a second round of National Committeeman balloting if necessary, and provided a chance for candidates to address us during lunch. The new proposed agenda is posted here.
Thank you for everything you do, and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday! (I look forward to seeing you, too!)
Permit me to reprint his latest missive to the faithful, with helpful annotations:
Dear State Central Committee Member,
There have been quite a few rumors circulating in the media and the blogosphere about the endorsing process that the Central Committee directed the nominating committee to develop. Today the Nominating Committee issued a release to address some of the errors, such as:
By voting in September to develop this process, you said that while the final choice of nominee should be up to the primary voters, you also believe that the NRCC should have a say in who's using the name of your party to get elected. (Luckily they didn't vote that the June balloting should not count!)
You can see a copy of this afternoon's press release here.
Click here to see an FAQ about the endorsement process.
We've made a couple of changes to Saturday's proposed agenda, including a presentation by Nevada State RNC Director Greg Bailor on precinct organization and cutting edge technology to make our job of identifying and turning out voters easier. We've also allowed for a second round of National Committeeman balloting if necessary, and provided a chance for candidates to address us during lunch. The new proposed agenda is posted here.
Thank you for everything you do, and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday! (I look forward to seeing you, too!)
Michael McDonald
Chairman, Nevada Republican Party
(Image from